Author Archives: bethanystar04

About bethanystar04

Hey there! Thanks for stopping by. :) You can find out more about me and the weekly challenges to "change your focus, change your life" at my blog:

My New Blog

To my readers:

Stay patient and stay tuned! I’m working on my upcoming blog and will be back in the Blogging World again soon! Sometimes we just need to step back, refresh, and reflect. Looking forward to reading and writing again soon. 🙂


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Posted by on September 8, 2013 in Uncategorized


We Made It! (The Last Challenge Day)

Wow–The last day of our 20-week challenge! Even in striving to be very purposeful on this journey, I never expected to end up here. “Here” is a place of freedom from things that I didn’t even realize I still needed healing from. How wonderful that the Lord knows us better than we know ourselves, and if we surrender to Him, He will bring us the healing, restoration, and freedom that we need. I entered this journey searching for the Lord to bring me into full forgiveness and also discipline me in physical fitness, yet He did so much more. I am humbled. I am thankful. I am changed!

God doesn’t promise to change our circumstances. Often, He allows us to remain in them to find Him in the midst. I hoped by the end of this journey that He would change some circumstances in my personal life and He did, but not the way I’d wanted or hoped. Through this journey, I’ve learned about surrender. I’ve learned about rejection. I’ve learned about trusting God on a deeper level. And I’ve learned that He is, and will always be, more than enough.

I am reminded that life never turns out the way we think or hope, but looking back we’ll end up thankful.

With that, I just want to thank all of you for your support in this process; I couldn’t have done it without you! Some of you have asked what’s next, and to be honest, I’m not quite sure. But, one thing you can be sure of:

I’m always up for a challenge! 🙂


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Week Twenty Challenge–The Last Week!

Challenge: The Art of Completion

How many of us have made grande plans to make that scrapbook, clean out the garage, lose 20 pounds, read that book, or have had a thousand other project ideas only to get distracted or lose motivation halfway through and never get to the end result?? It happens more than we’d probably like to admit. I have a little pile of books on my end table right now that I’ve made it over halfway through but just can’t quite seem to finish, and the pile is growing…

There is something unsettling about unfinished projects.

Do you know what else is still an “unfinished project”? YOU. And ME. But Jesus is faithful and He leads by example:

“Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus!” Philippians 1:6 (NIV)

The Lord is working in us, and will not stop until the process is brought to completion because HE IS FAITHFUL. What a wonderful, marvelous truth! He IS love. He IS joy. He IS self-control/discipline, and all the rest! He is, and has, all of these spiritual qualities and He desires to sow them in us. Not only is He conforming us to the image of His son, but He is daily working to grow the fruit of the spirit in us as we choose to keep running after Christ.

There is a reason why discipline/self-control is a fruit of the spirit: The Lord wants to train and grow in us the perseverance and character to not only start a good thing but to finish a good thing. And above that, to strive after Him and after godliness until it has its completed work!

With this final week of the vision20project, let’s be mindful to complete what we have started. Let’s finish strong and finish with expectation for what the Lord has next for us. Just as a runner trains for more than one race, remember that this is not “The End.” It’s one race (marathon really) and there are more to come. Enjoy the hard work that you have put in during these twenty weeks and soar across that finish line.

And remember: The best is yet to come!


Posted by on June 24, 2013 in Wk 20 Challenge: Completion


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Week Nineteen Challenge

Starbucks Journaling
Challenge: The Art of Reflection

It’s hard to believe that we’re only 12 days away from our 20-week goal! When I stop to think about all that has been accomplished, and all that the Lord has done, I am amazed. I am reminded of the verse: “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” Jesus draws near in a very intimate way when we come before Him, broken and longing for a deeper relationship with Him. Are you still drawing close to Him? Are you still allowing Him to be the source of change during this process??

As I begin to reflect on the vision20project in my own life, I see how much the Lord has been meeting me in this process. He has seen the commitments and discipline that I have made and He has been so faithful to change me internally, change my habits and patterns, and change the way I see Him in my life. I’m definitely not perfect, but I’m not who I used to be and that’s big progress!!

Yes, I am in much better physical shape.
Yes, I buy healthier food and cook more.
Yes, I use my time better.
Yes, I am more consistent in my Bible and prayer times.
Yes, I have more energy ( = less naps! )
Yes, I take more risks.
Yes, my back injury has healed tremendously.
Yes, I have reached full forgiveness toward the person that hurt me those most.
Yes, I’ve accomplished more than I thought I would…

But, the thing that the Lord has done in me the most is that He has taught my heart ENDURANCE. This whole journey has been training in me a warrior’s heart and I didn’t even realize it until now. Do you know how I saw this change? By the Lord putting me through the BIGGEST, hardest, most CHALLENGING and painful test during the last three weeks of this journey! When I’m the most tired, have run so long, and am close to the end–that’s when the real trial came. Although all around me is a a dark, scary storm, I keep running, keep believing, keep looking straight ahead at Jesus and His wonderful promises, and keep pushing through. Five months ago I would not have been strong enough; devastation and helplessness would have been my close companions. But, today I am much stronger. When the time of testing came, all of the endurance that has been trained in me has lifted me up above my circumstances and I am running free!! Jesus truly is all that we need.

1. Take time to reflect over your journals from this journey. Where did you start? What were your life circumstances? What were your goals? How is your life different now? How are YOU different now?
2. Journal about what the Lord has done in you and what He has shown you about Himself. Be specific!
3. Thank Him for all that He has done!


Posted by on June 18, 2013 in Wk 19 Challenge: Reflection


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Week Eighteen Challenge

Challenge: The Art of Sacrifice

I am going to be honest–I almost gave up this week. Sometimes life comes crashing down and we can either cave, stand, or surf! I’m not sure about you, but I’d much rather be above the waves, surfing on a bright-colored surfboard, feeling the wind in my hair, and getting a fabulous tan while I’m at it!! So, I must push on with THREE WEEKS TO GO!!!

This week’s challenge is simply put, but difficult to do. Sacrifice. Giving something up. What is getting in the way of you becoming a better version of YOU? What hinders your mind, heart, or spirit? For me, there are two things that come to mind immediately: TV and Facebook. Let’s practice the art of discipline that we added in weeks ago and shave off some of these things that aren’t bettering our character. For me, I’m going to give up the only TV show I watch, and delete FB from my i-phone. I’ll still have my FB account, but instead of checking it several times a day, I know I’ll end up check it only a few times a week. This will help me get my mind into reality, not be distracted by my i-phone instead of living where I’m at, and develop deeper relationships in my actual life. Take some time to reflect on what sacrifices will push you forward into the best version of YOU!

My heart is faint, but I will press on!!! Time to go buy a surfboard. 🙂


Posted by on June 12, 2013 in Wk 18 Challenge: Sacrifice


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Bitterness or “Betterness”?

Should we be surprised when trials come our way?? No–They build in us a character that can stand amidst fire or rain and still glorify His name (if we choose the right perspective). But that is the test, isn’t it? Will we become BETTER or just BITTER?

This week has been a challenge for me. I went from “Woo-whoo!” I’m surrendering (again) and choosing contentment (again) to frustration, a struggle with bitterness, and a state of emotional exhaustion. I feel the war raging inside me: my flesh reared its ugly head and is stomping it’s foot proclaiming that it wants what it wants and it wants it NOW! And the lies come–

1. If God loved you He would let you be happy…
2. Things never work out for you.
3. Everyone else gets to be happy but you have to surrender and take the high road
4. Nothing is ever going to change
5. See, rejection is always in store for you
6. Hope? There is none
7. Contentment? Impossible

I am reminded that to choose to surrender is one thing, but to choose to surrender AND have a good attitude about it is something else entirely!! Is God good? Yes. Does God love us? Yes. Is God sovereign? Yes. Does God see us? Yes. Does God hear us? Yes. Is God for us? Yes. YES, YES, YES!!

A great prayer to carry us this week:
“Lord, I surrender to You again. Over and over I choose to surrender to You. I surrender my life, my heart, my attitude, my perspective, my dreams, my plans, my desires, my everything. Have Your way in me, Lord!”


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Week Seventeen Challenge

Challenge: The Art of Obedience

What is the Lord requiring of you right now? What is He asking you to do, drawing you toward, or moving your heart in? I read once that the spiritual realm is in constant movement. There is a war going on that we do not clearly see and often fail to recognize. Last night I went to see the new Star Trek movie (excellent film!) and was thinking about this reality as the war scenes took place. Aren’t you glad we’re on the winning side?? We need to remember that there is also an INTERNAL war that is also in constant movement. Our flesh and the spirit of God in us are constantly at odds and it is our responsibility to sift through the murk and mire on our knees and allow the Lord to win IN us. The Lord is an unchanging God, but He is known for being in the business of changing people: their situations, hearts, dreams, opinions, passions, perspectives, and much much more!! Our responsibility in this process is to allow the Lord to do this mighty work in us and in our lives by surrendering and walking in obedience.

So I ask you again–What is the Lord requiring of you right now? Is it a season of stillness, yet you go along bustling throughout your busy day? Is it a time of listening, yet you busy your mind with television, facebook, and constant noise? What does He want from your RIGHT NOW?? If you do not know, the Lord beckons us to ask Him:

“If you need wisdom–if you want to know what God wants you to do–ask Him, and He will gladly tell you. He will not resent your asking. But when you ask Him, be sure that you really expect Him to answer, for a doubtful mind is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. People like that should not expect to receive anything like that from the Lord. They can’t make up their minds. They waver back and forth in everything they do.” James 1:5-8 (NLT)

Trust Him! Trust Him, trust Him!! If there is anything that I have learned in the trial of the past five years of my life it is that the Lord SEES everything, KNOWS everything, and makes ALL of His decisions for us based on His love and kindness toward us. So, whatever it is that He is asking you to do, just do it!! Trust Him!! Look at the faith of Abraham–I love how the author, James, words this:

“Don’t you remember that our ancestor Abraham was declared right with God because of what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? You see, he was trusting God so much that he was willing to do whatever God told him to do. His faith was made complete by what he did–by his actions.” James 2:21-22

Do you trust the Lord that much? Do I?? I want to! The Lord recently started leading me toward a huge change in my life and has been requiring me to step forward in faith, trusting that I heard correctly and choosing to follow. I find myself saying, “Lord, whatever You want. Wherever you want me to go, I’ll go. Whatever you want me to do, I’ll do. Just go before me, follow behind me, and surround me like the mountains surround Jerusalem!” Those are three promises that He gives us in the book of Psalms. My friend, HE goes before you, HE follows behind you, and HE surrounds you! Do not be afraid. Do not hesitate or fall back. God has made you a warrior in this battle and now is the time to stand up and fight! Go with Him!!


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Week Sixteen Challenge

Challenge: The Art of Contentment

I had a great conversation recently with a close friend about the secret of contentment. Just the word “secret” pulls me closer. I’ve thought a lot over the years about this intriguing phrase–“the secret of contentment”–and at times I have found myself asking the Lord out loud, “What IS it Lord?? What am I missing??”

Paul uses this captivating phrase in the book of Philippians:

“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Phil. 4:11-13 (NIV)

I believe that Paul uses the word “secret” because the answer to finding contentment is hidden–it is hidden deep in the caverns of the Word and the inward walk. Only those who truly seek and diligently dig will find such a treasure!

It seems that contentment is ultimately tied to surrender of our own will. That may be obvious, but follow me here. Sometimes I find that I don’t want to surrender because I know that if I surrender, the Lord will bring me peace and contentment, but I don’t want that to happen because I want what I want and I want it now! Anyone else?? And, I know that if the Lord brings me peace and contentment it could mean that the Lord is not going to actually give me the thing that I want so badly in the first place because He’s going to instead make me content without it! Thus, I hold on, clinging so badly to what I think I want and need, instead of accepting and allowing his peace and contentment to fill me.

I think we’d all agree that it’s the oh-so-painful process of loosening our grip and LETTING GO that is difficult. We have all been there. Just letting go of it can be so difficult because our flesh wants what it wants! But, we must let go. We must take that thing that we are cherishing so dearly and just set it down. Yes, my friend–set it down. And then leave it there. We must turn around and walk away, with no intention of ever turning around again or going back for it. We have to put it down and choose to trust the One who created us and knows us better than we know ourselves! We must trust that if He is asking us to leave it there, that it is because He wants to take us to something so much better! You may be cherishing one little ruby–polishing it, keeping it in a little velvet pouch, and kissing it every night before bed–when the Lord wants to bring you a chest full of diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and more!

When we live in full surrender, the contentment follows and remains. To surrender such a thing in that manner requires a choice of trusting the One we love and serve. Why would we choose to follow after One that we do not ultimately trust?? Well, dear friend, we are following Jesus because we do ultimately trust Him. We trust Him with our souls, don’t we? Every day we walk by faith that He lives and is preparing a home for us. If we trust Him with our eternal souls then shouldn’t we be able to trust Him with something as “trivial” as our life here on Earth?


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Week Fifteen Challenge

Challenge: The Art of Risk-Taking

Don’t get complacent. Don’t get too comfortable… Passivity is soon to follow.

Seeking change means staying focused and maintaining a high level of motivation. Sometimes you just need to change things up, especially when you’ve gotten this far in the process. It is common to hit a plateau and to not realize it until you’ve set up camp and started roasting a marshmallow on that flat, solid ground. Well, my friend, it’s time to get up from that comfy spot, pour some water on that fire, and get trekking!

Hear me: YOU NEED TO change up your routine, shake up your schedule, and take some small (or even BIG) risks to stir up the fervor needed to reach your goal(s). I decided to get pumped up in my workouts by adding variety: I met with a physical trainer today and was given a LOT of ideas to increase intensity and change up my lifting patterns. I also took a big risk this week in my personal life by turning down an offer that would have changed my circumstances immensely. Letting it pass by was risky because it’s something I’ve been praying about for a long time, but deep-down in my gut I know it’s just not the right fit for me. I actually feel emotionally stronger for choosing the less-traveled path. I don’t know where it will lead, but I know it will lead to somewhere/something great!!

How about you? …Have you fallen into complacency? Are you just going through the motions of your job, routine, relationship, or family life? Take a risk! Or two or three! Just remember to choose wisely and purposefully. Sometimes the things we’re most afraid of are the things most worth going after. What do you have to lose??

1. Get honest with yourself: Is anything holding you back? Is there something about change that causes fear in you? Are you going through the motions in your daily routine?
2. Brainstorm ways to change things up; research, check out a book, meet up with someone who succeeded.
3. Jot down at least two risks to put into action this week!


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Remembering Who HE Is

Today a simple hymn has been singing in my heart:

“Jesus, I am resting, resting,
in the joy of what Thou art;
I am finding out the greatness of Thy loving heart.
Thou has bid me gaze upon Thee,
and Thy beauty fills my soul,
For by Thy transforming power
Thou has made me whole.

Simply trusting Thee, Lord Jesus,
I behold Thee as Thou art;
And Thy love, so pure, so changeless,
Satisfies my heart–
Satisfies its deepest longings,
Meets, supplies its every need,
Compasseth me round with blessings:
Thine is love indeed!

Ever lift Thy face upon me,
As I work and wait for Thee;
Resting ’neath Thy smile, Lord Jesus,
Earth’s dark shadows flee.
Brightness of my Father’s glory,
Sunshine of my Father’s face,
Keep me ever trusting, resting,
Fill me with Thy grace.

Jesus, I am resting, resting,
in the joy of what Thou art;
I am finding out the greatness of Thy loving heart!”

Oh how we need Him! Oh how I love Him! Jesus–my savior, my king, my friend! Stand fast in His presence, sit still in His kindness; Jesus–our Savior, our friend.

Go with Him this week!


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