Tag Archives: contentment

Week Sixteen Challenge

Challenge: The Art of Contentment

I had a great conversation recently with a close friend about the secret of contentment. Just the word “secret” pulls me closer. I’ve thought a lot over the years about this intriguing phrase–“the secret of contentment”–and at times I have found myself asking the Lord out loud, “What IS it Lord?? What am I missing??”

Paul uses this captivating phrase in the book of Philippians:

“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Phil. 4:11-13 (NIV)

I believe that Paul uses the word “secret” because the answer to finding contentment is hidden–it is hidden deep in the caverns of the Word and the inward walk. Only those who truly seek and diligently dig will find such a treasure!

It seems that contentment is ultimately tied to surrender of our own will. That may be obvious, but follow me here. Sometimes I find that I don’t want to surrender because I know that if I surrender, the Lord will bring me peace and contentment, but I don’t want that to happen because I want what I want and I want it now! Anyone else?? And, I know that if the Lord brings me peace and contentment it could mean that the Lord is not going to actually give me the thing that I want so badly in the first place because He’s going to instead make me content without it! Thus, I hold on, clinging so badly to what I think I want and need, instead of accepting and allowing his peace and contentment to fill me.

I think we’d all agree that it’s the oh-so-painful process of loosening our grip and LETTING GO that is difficult. We have all been there. Just letting go of it can be so difficult because our flesh wants what it wants! But, we must let go. We must take that thing that we are cherishing so dearly and just set it down. Yes, my friend–set it down. And then leave it there. We must turn around and walk away, with no intention of ever turning around again or going back for it. We have to put it down and choose to trust the One who created us and knows us better than we know ourselves! We must trust that if He is asking us to leave it there, that it is because He wants to take us to something so much better! You may be cherishing one little ruby–polishing it, keeping it in a little velvet pouch, and kissing it every night before bed–when the Lord wants to bring you a chest full of diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and more!

When we live in full surrender, the contentment follows and remains. To surrender such a thing in that manner requires a choice of trusting the One we love and serve. Why would we choose to follow after One that we do not ultimately trust?? Well, dear friend, we are following Jesus because we do ultimately trust Him. We trust Him with our souls, don’t we? Every day we walk by faith that He lives and is preparing a home for us. If we trust Him with our eternal souls then shouldn’t we be able to trust Him with something as “trivial” as our life here on Earth?


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Week Three Challenge

Challenge: The Art of Discipline

Calendar sold at Walgreens

Calendar sold at Walgreens

When I think of becoming disciplined, I think of learning and exercising “self-control.” Funny, how we usually think of self-control in the context of “Do not______________.” For instance: Do not buy that, do not eat that, do not say that, do not do that… But how often do we think of it in the reverse? Whenever we choose to NOT do something, we are in turn choosing TO do something. For instance, “Do not say that” also means “DO stay quiet.” Or, “Do NOT eat unhealthy foods” also means “DO eat healthy foods.”

This is the week that we are putting our basic strategy into action. If you listed more than one thing in your basic strategy (see “Week Two”) don’t get overwhelmed. You can start this week by accomplishing just one, or you can take on all of them–up to you! But remember, “self-control” is a fruit of the spirit that God promises to grow in us as we walk close to Him. Remember to keep Him in this process with you; pray over your goals, pray for self-control to DO them and to use your time to accomplish them, and pray for Him to strengthen you to succeed. With His help, choose to control your time so it does not control you.

1. Tell your accountability partner your goal for this week and pick a day for them to call.
2. Plan out your week ahead of time.
Example: To finish a book, block out a time each day to read and write it in your calendar.
3. Tell us where you’re at by taking the poll below!


Posted by on February 25, 2013 in Wk 3 Challenge: Discipline


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Ready, Set, …

How is your Challenge of creating a basic strategy coming along? In Week 3 we will put it all into action! Remember, start with something realistic, reasonable, and measurable! You can always add more later. Please consider sharing it with us for accountability (for you) and inspiration (for us)! Below is my beginning strategy. I’ve been doing the first two consistently for two months, so I’m hoping to progress them quickly:

1. Work out three days a week.
2. No McDonalds for these 20 weeks.
3. Pizza only once a week.
4. Bring my own lunch to work twice a week.
5. Finish reading “So Long, Insecurity” by Beth Moore within two weeks.

Things I’m hoping will help me:
Blox 1
1. Going to physical therapy once a week which gives me accountability.

2. Offering to lend a friend “So Long, Insecurity” after these two weeks.

3. Finally opening the lunch “Blox” I bought back in December! I have been trying to bring my own lunch to work for the PAST SIX YEARS! How many times have I actually done so?? ZERO.

4. Grocery shopping for healthy food. Ladies, I actually bought celery! Celery!!


Posted by on February 20, 2013 in Wk 2 Challenge: Strategy


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